Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Whole Year of Life Changes in 2012

2012 has been one of the best time periods in my life, ever. I have started fresh by saying goodbye to a relationship that had left me emotionally drained and wounded, physically sick and financially destitute. I moved my children and I to Florida, basically homeless, to await my tax return with which I bought my very first home, hooked up my internet and began working from home full time again. This is our fourth month in our new home and things are settled down now and I was able to step back for a moment and assess where exactly I am now.

The first thing I noticed was the damage all the stress and upheaval did to my physical body and my health. Any weight loss I had seen during my months of blogging here had gone to pot and I am now in worse physical condition than I have been in a very long time. I feel horrible physically, even though I am so much better emotionally and financially. It is time to make another change.

I am coming up on my 37th birthday and I want to enjoy all of my new accomplishments to the fullest. This means that I am going to have to take some drastic steps to ensure that I consistently work my way back to a healthy lifestyle.

Right now, I feel sick every day. I am in pain every day. I have no energy and no strength. I feel worse than I have ever felt in my life. I don't want to feel this way anymore.

And so I have resurrected this blog and my determination to lose weight, get fit and be a much health conscious person from now on. I am going to eat healthier, move more and do everything I can to ensure that I am around for my children for a long, long time to come.

A few weeks ago, I won a free sample of ACE on a Facebook Fan Page Giveaway. I received them in the mail a few days later and put off taking them for probably a week. I guess I was afraid of taking 'diet & energy' pills. I'm someone who usually has adverse reactions to medications, pills, etc. and I was a little wary. But, eventually, I did take them and I did see a difference in those two days. I had more energy and felt pretty good.

After much consideration, I decided to not just sign up as a Preferred Customer, but to join as a Distributor and enjoy the benefits of helping others to lose weight and have more energy as well. To kick off my business and my new lifestyle, I am going to be hosting a 90 Day Challenge called 'Our Time Is Now'. For 90 days, I and those who join me will be dedicated to takeing ACE every day, drinking 1/2 our body weight in water, being more conscious about our food choices and moving in one form or another EVERY day.

Our Time Is Now 90 Day Challenge will begin on July 1st (my birthday) and run through November 1st, 2012. There will be motivation, inspiration, friendship, sharing and even prizes for those who accomplish their goals or help inspire others to reach their goals.

If you would like to join me on this challenge, please visit my ACE Facebook Fan Page, Like it and send me a message to let me know you are in. You do not have to be a blogger to join, I will be setting up a private facebook group for everyone to share their progress and questions.

I, personally, will be blogging my progress here as well.

I am excited to begin this new chapter in my life and even more excited to be sharing it with others who are ready to change their lives as well. I look forward to hearing from you!

View my complete Food Diary HERE.

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